In partnership with the Northwest Solid Waste District ...
We receive food scraps, yard waste, & brush from communities over a 25 mile radius including local schools, large and small businesses, grocery stores, and households like yours. This collection not only diverts waste from entering the landfill, but also allows us to turn otherwise discarded organic matter into a highly valuable source of fertility.
To drop off brush:
The dedicated brush pile is on the west side of Route 7 (the opposite side as the farmstand) on the small dirt road just west of the sugarhouse. A sign will direct you to the appropriate brush pile where you can leave your material. The fee for dropping material at this site is:
$20 for a dump truck or dump trailer load
$10 for a pickup load
Donations accepted for anything smaller than a pickup (i.e. Christmas trees or tree/shrub prunings)
Unacceptable items at this site include construction debris including lumber, drywall, fencing, & plywood. If you are unsure about material that you would like to drop off, please contact us first. We accept brush at any time of day and all year long at this site.
To drop off leaves & yard waste:
*Note* Leaf drop-off has MOVED, leaves should now be dropped off in the same location as brush. Please be sure to remove plastic bags and take them with you. Do not leave them at the drop site. Biodegradable paper bags can be left here. Please pay special attention to contaminants like plastic, or other non-biodegradable materials. We accept leaves & yard waste any time of day all year long. Donations at this site are appreciated to offset the cost of the service.
To drop off food scraps:
On the east side of Route 7 near our farmstand we have green food waste bins set up for public drop-off. Bring your kitchen scraps, including raw or cooked meat scraps, and dump them in these bins. Please be sure to take any bags or containers with you, including the green "biodegradable" bags. They do not break down in our system and cannot be composted. Our facility is open any time of the day all year long, and as always if you have any questions or are unsure of what is accepted, please contact us so we can help!

(802) 527-1147 | 599 St Albans Rd, Swanton VT, 05488 | 8am - 7 pm Monday through Saturday | 8am - 6 pm Sunday